Neha Serene

May 3, 20202 min

Spread your wings and fly

Updated: Jun 15, 2021

Life is a beautiful roller coaster ride!


Ha-Ha! Not funny, yea – I know!

Life is a twist of all forms, comes in all shapes and sizes. The energy within us is pure. It is all about the assumptions we create, we allow negative to take us over. We close the door of positivity and welcome the grey buddies!

In the subconscious mind, well you must have read or seen the videos about this very topic, I am sure.

I am not here to talk about the subconscious mind. But it is the first step to begin this journey. Please allow your time into the positive allure of well-being, rather than dwelling on your hardships. It’s hard, I definitely understand. Thy I ask your presence and have faith that none of this will last long, it’s temporary and a big-time illusion. This shall pass, we need to invoke our virtuous thought and endure our beautiful memories, and smile!

Freedom only comes when knowing your true potential. Live relentlessly. Draw positive attributes and allow yourself to transcend the limitations created by your mind. Allow yourself to explore the territories you are afraid to venture. Put yourself out of the boxes to which you have been confining yourself until now. They were never meant to be yours.
Understand this! Task yourself to stop talking about the hitches that you faced or facing. Flinch won’t stop, so you need to divert yourself to who you want to be.

Have a mindset of your creative imagination. Paint your thoughts with blue or pink, just remember, you decide who you want to be!

Ta-Da – You are a winner!

Do not wait-Just, spread your wings and fly high!

Bonus – Stay calm and positive. Concentrate on proposing a solution.

P.S. Connect me if you’re facing any distress or want to overcome from daily routine to some lively life.

